The effects of a 30 d period of undernutrition, followed in some anima
ls by nutritional rehabilitation, on neuronal connectivity in adult ra
t cerebellum were investigated using the disector method. There was no
significant difference between well fed (719+/-74, mean+/-S.E.) and u
ndernourished (709+/-53) synapse-to-neuron ratios in 134-d-old rat cer
ebellar cortex, nor was there a significant difference in synapse-to-n
euron ratios between control animals (941+/-71) and previously underno
urished rats (813+/-42) at 175 d of age. However, the age-related chan
ges were significant (P < 0.05) in the controls, but not in the experi
mental group. It may be that the period of undernutrition caused subtl
e changes in the rehabilitating group which reduced the capacity for g
rowth seen in well fed, matched control animals.