Using a new telemetric system for arterial blood pressure recordings,
we have investigated long-term postoperative changes in blood pressure
during sleep in freely moving cats. Particular attention was paid to
the transitional periods at the beginning and end of paradoxical sleep
(PS), as well as to the relationships between the blood pressure and
ponto-geniculo-occipital (PGO) waves. In the initial postoperative sta
ge lasting 2 to 5 days, the blood pressure decreased during the transi
tion from slow wave sleep (SWS) to PS and maintained its lower level u
ntil the end of PS. In contrast, in the later chronic stage, the blood
pressure increased tonically during the transition from SWS to PS and
maintained its higher level throughout PS on which several phasic ris
es in blood pressure were superimposed. A significant increase in arte
rial pressure during the transitional period began shortly after the f
irst appearance of PGO waves. On the other hand, significant phasic ri
ses in arterial pressure during PS shortly preceded the onset of PGO w
ave bursts.