Recent studies have indicated that human spermatozoa respond to follic
ular fluid by attraction to chemotactic factors in the fluid, accompan
ied by enhancement of motility and ultimately hyperactivation. In this
study, we quantified the sperm response. We exposed spermatozoa to a
gradient of a chemotactically active fraction of follicular fluid (den
oted as ''the attractant'') and separated the spermatozoa that accumul
ated in the attractant and those that did not. We thus obtained two su
bpopulations: one enriched with chemotactically responsive spermatozoa
, and one deficient in such spermatozoa. The fraction of the responsiv
e spermatozoa out of the total sperm population was 2-12% at any measu
red time point. With time, the responsive spermatozoa lost their abili
ty to be attracted, while such activity was gradually acquired by the
subpopulation originally deficient in responsive spermatozoa. These re
sults indicate that the identity of responsive spermatozoa is continuo
usly changing. If the in vitro results are representative of the physi
ological conditions in vivo, they imply that the role of sperm chemota
xis combined with enhanced motility may be to select capacitated sperm
atozoa and bring them to the egg. Such a mechanism may, over an extend
ed period of time, increase the prospect that an egg will meet capacit
ated spermatozoa as soon as it ovulates.