Interactions between Erysiphe graminis f.sp. tritici and Septoria nodo
rum on wheat were studied in the greenhouse and in a 2-year field expe
riment using artificial inoculation. The integrated form of the logist
ic growth model dy/dt = ry (1-y/K), with infection rate r and final ac
cumulated disease K, was fitted to the disease progress data. Septoria
nodorum substantially reduced the disease severities of E. graminis,
and caused significant reductions of at least 60% in final accumulated
disease K of E. graminis. In the field trials, E. graminis increased
the final accumulated disease K of S. nodorum. Owing to the extremely
low severity of E. graminis, the increase of S. nodorum severity was s
mall, and significance was given in one of the two years only, with an
increase in K of roughly 30%. In the pot experiment, final accumulate
d disease K of S. nodorum remained unchanged, but there was a signific
ant 30% increase in the infection rate r of S. nodorum. The difference
between field and pot trials was explained by the climatic conditions
in the greenhouse which excluded secondary infections of S. nodorum,
and which are important factors for disease progress in the field.