We describe two unique cases of pulmonary hypertension in association
with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and review the 28 previous
ly reported cases in the world literature. Our first patient has coexi
stent chronic active hepatitis, which has previously been associated w
ith the development of plexogenic pulmonary hypertension; however, our
second case clearly demonstrates a closer link between HIV infection
and pulmonary hypertension. Unlike previously reported cases, our latt
er case was devoid of all other coexistent factors including intraveno
us drug abuse, hepatitis B antigenemia, coexisting immunologic lung pa
renchymal injury, and hepatitis. Additionally, this is the first case
documenting the presence of asymptomatic type II cryoglobulins in an H
IV-positive patient with plexogenic pulmonary hypertension.