OBJECTIVES: Our purpose was to study a cyclic condition characterized
by vaginal discharge and discomfort occurring 7 to 1 0 days before men
ses and associated with the occurrence of long serpiginous rodlike org
anisms, visible in wet mount preparations. STUDY DESIGN: Thirty-seven
patients and 30 controls were studied prospectively. The vaginal flora
was analyzed, including isolation of anaerobic bacteria and fungi. Sp
ecies of lactobacilli isolated from some of the women were identified
and the antibiotic susceptibility was determined. Recent episodes of v
aginitis and therapy were recorded. RESULTS: Ninety-two percent of the
patients had a history of recent episodes of vaginosis lasting for an
average of 22.2 months, and 57% had received triazole or imidazole an
tifungal therapy. Anaerobic lactobacilli were isolated from 97% of the
vaginosis patients and from 40% of the controls. The average length o
f the organisms seen was 60 mum in the patients and 10 mum in the comp
arison group. Amoxicillin and clavulanate potassium proved to be an ef
fective therapy symptomatically and resulted in disappearance of the e
xtremely long organisms in vaginal smears. CONCLUSIONS: Lactobacilli v
aginosis is associated with extremely long lactobacilli. The cause of
this morphologic transformation is unknown. The condition can be effec
tively treated with antibiotics.