THIS work studies the antinociceptive effect of a sustained (7 day) re
lease dosage form of vapreotide, a peptidic analogue of somatostatin,
in rats submitted to a nociceptive mechanical stimulus (paw pressure).
One intramuscular injection (0.6 mg/animal) induced a significant ant
inociceptive effect for 7 complete days with a maximal increase in voc
alization thresholds of 68 +/- 5% and a plateau of activity during the
first 4 days. This action was totally inhibited by naloxone (1 mg kg(
-1), s.c.) injected 24 h or 6 days after vapreotide, suggesting an opi
oidergic involvement throughout the antinociceptive effect. These find
ings suggest potential interest in human therapy.