The location of the brain within the cranium has prevented in vivo stu
dies with microscopical resolution for a long time. Cranial window tec
hniques provide microscopical access to the brain surface, but subsurf
ace structures cannot be visualized with conventional microscopy. Conf
ocal microscopy with its increased depth of penetration and optical se
ctioning capabilities is ideally suited for the investigation of thick
biological specimens, Due to the scanning process, however, temporal
resolution is limited, a significant disadvantage in the in vivo setti
ng. In this article we demonstrate that confocal laser scanning micros
copy can be utilized to study brain cortex microvascular morphology, c
apillary hemodynamics, leukocyte behaviour and intracellular ion conce
ntrations in anesthetized rats through a closed cranial window. Three
different confocal microscopes are compared: a Biorad MRC-600 with mul
tiline Kr/Ar-Laser (488/568/647 nm), a Noran Odyssey acousto-optic sca
nning microscope with multiline Ar-Laser (458/488//514/529 nm) and a B
iorad Viewscan DVC-250 slit scanning microscope with Ar-Laser (488/514
nm). With all microscopes a Zeiss x 40 water immersion objective, n.a
. 0.75 is used. A Laser-Doppler flowmeter continuously measures region
al cerebral blood flow in the area of microscopical investigation. As
fluorescent dyes we used: fluorescein sodium as blood plasma marker (g
iven I.V.); rhodamine 6G to label leukocytes (given I.V.); and the AM-
esters of BCECF (pH-sensitive), Fluo-3 and Calcium-Green (both calcium
-sensitive) as intracellular ion-concentration markers (loaded via sup
erfusion over the cranial window). With this setup, we are able to stu
dy the flow dynamics in the capillary network of the cortex (erythrocy
te flow velocities and flux rates), the behaviour of leukocytes in cap
illaries and postcapillary veins (plugging of capillaries, adhesion to
the endothelium, extravasation into the parenchyma), and intracellula
r changes of [H+] and [Ca2+] under physiological and pathophysiologica
l conditions (cerebral ischemia and meningitis). The comparison betwee
n the conventional CLSM (Biorad 600) and the real time CLSMs revealed
that the increase in temporal resolution afforded by the real time ins
truments is offset by a reduction in spatial resolution and, most impo
rtantly, in the signal to noise ratio, resulting in a lower depth of p
enetration into the tissue and necessitating frame averaging.