1. Previous studies have shown that midbrain near response cells that
increase their activity during convergent eye movements project to med
ial rectus motoneurons, which also increase their activity during conv
ergence. Most neurons in the abducens nucleus decrease their firing ra
te during convergence, and the source of this vergence signal is unkno
wn. Oculomotor internuclear neurons (OINs) in monkeys project primaril
y from the medial rectus subdivisions of the oculomotor nucleus to the
contralateral abducens nucleus, although there is a smaller ipsilater
al projection as well. Because of these anatomic connections, it has b
een suggested that the OIN input may be responsible for the vergence s
ignal seen on abducens neurons. The behavior of the OINs during eye mo
vements and their synaptic drive are not known. Thus the goal of this
study is to determine the behavior of these neurons during conjugate a
nd disjunctive eye movements and to determine if these neurons have an
excitatory or inhibitory drive on the abducens neurons. 2. Single-uni
t recording studies in alert rhesus monkeys were used to characterize
the behavior of OINs. Eighteen OINs were identified by antidromic acti
vation and collision testing. The recorded OINs displayed a burst-toni
c pattern of activity during adducting saccades, and the majority of t
hese cells displayed an increase in tonic activity with convergent eye
movements. 3. Identified OINs were compared with a large sample of no
nactivated and untested horizontal burst-tonic cells in the medial rec
tus subdivisions of the oculomotor nucleus. The results indicate that
the OINs behave similarly to medial rectus motoneurons during vergence
and versional eye movements. None of the OINs displayed vertical eye
position sensitivity. 4. Microstimulation of the oculomotor nucleus wh
ere both the OINs and medial rectus motoneurons were located resulted
in a large adducting twitch of the ipsilateral eye and a smaller abduc
ting twitch of the contralateral eye. The latter effect was presumed t
o be the result of OIN innervation of the contralateral abducens nucle
us. This result suggests that the crossed OIN pathway is predominately
, if not entirely, excitatory. 5. Injection of 10% lidocaine HCl into
the medial rectus subdivision of the oculomotor nucleus caused a rever
sible inactivation of the medial rectus motoneurons and OINs. As expec
ted, the inactivation of medial rectus motoneurons resulted in an exop
horia and weakness of adduction for the eye ipsilateral to the lidocai
ne injection. In addition, the lidocaine injection resulted in hypomet
ric and slowed abducting saccades in the eye contralateral to the inje
ction site. This result also suggests that the crossed OIN pathway is
excitatory. 6. Taken together, these findings indicate that the OINs a
re sending an appropriate signal to the contralateral abducens nucleus
for conjugate eye movements but an inappropriate signal for convergen
ce eye movements. The OINs then, like the abducens internuclear neuron
s, may have evolved for the coordination of horizontal conjugate movem
ents. The OINs are not the source of the vergence signal seen on later
al rectus motoneurons and abducens internuclear neurons. On the contra
ry, an increased excitatory drive to the abducens nucleus during conve
rgence might explain why most abducens neurons do not decrease their f
iring rate as much for convergence movements as for conjugate movement
s of similar magnitude.