Eleven volunteers received 300 ml white wine, an ethanol solution and
tap water to compare the effects of these beverages on lower oesophage
al sphincter pressure and gastro-oesophageal reflux. A continuous meas
urement of sphincter pressure and oesophageal pH was performed one hou
r before and after ingestion. A significant increase in fraction of ti
me pH < 4 (P < 0.01 vs ethanol, P < 0.001 vs water) coincident with a
significant decrease in sphincter pressure (P < 0. 01) was observed af
ter the in take of wine. The duration of transient sphincter relaxatio
ns (P < 0.05) as well as the duration of reflux episodes (P < 0.001) w
ere significantly prolonged, its frequencies were not significantly en
hanced. Reflux occurred almost exclusively during complete sphincter r
elaxations after the intake of ethanol and water, whereas an increase
in 'stress reflux' and the occurrence of 'free reflux' was observed af
ter ingestion of wine (P < 0.001). It is concluded that this change in
reflux pattern is related to the depressive effect of wine on lower o
esophageal sphincter pressure. Pure ethanol is not responsible for the
effects of wine.