To determine the prevalence and extent of autonomic neuropathy amongst
Africans with insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM), we investig
ated 50 such patients at our clinic. Mean age (+/- 1 s.d.) was 26 +/-
6 years, male:female ratio was equal (25M:25F) and duration of diabete
s was 4.0 +/- 3.0 years. A battery of six validated tests of autonomic
function was performed, testing both sympathetic and parasympathetic
systems. Overall 16 (32%) had evidence of autonomic damage, affecting
parasympathetic only in 14, and both sympathetic and parasympathetic i
n two. Those with autonomic neuropathy had a significantly;y longer di
abetes duration than those without (6.0 +/- 2.8 years versus 3.1 +/- 2
.7 years, P<0.005), but there was no difference in glycosylated haemog
lobin (HbA(1)) between the two groups. Autonomic neuropathy was also n
ot significantly associated with peripheral neuropathy or other diabet
ic complications. Autonomic neuropathy carries a poor prognosis in IDD
M and this high prevalence in a group of patients with relatively shor
t diabetes duration gives cause for concern.