The spontaneous passage of colon cast from a 76-year-old Japanese fema
le patient is reported. Macroscopically, the colon cast was shaped lik
e the airbladder of a fish. Histopathologically, the cast consisted of
degenerated colonal mucosa, including glands. No inflammatory reactio
n was apparent. The patient lacked any evidence of abdominal aneurysm.
Since there have been only five reported cases of colon cast in the l
iterature, and since in all of those association with abdominal aneury
sms was always described, the present study represents the first repor
t demonstrating the formation of a colon cast in the absence of associ
ated abdominal aneurysm. However, the patient was found to exhibit sev
eral risk factors for ischemic colitis, such as arteriosclerosis on th
e wall of the abdominal aorta, chronic constipation, and colonic steno
sis. Her colonal mucosal surface, indeed, suggested ischemic colitis.
This case report, therefore, indicates that ischemic colitis, due to v
arious causes, may be responsible for the formation of colon casts, an
d that the presence of an abdominal aneurysm is not necessarily a prer
equisite for colon cast formation. This report may contribute to a bet
ter understanding of the pathogenesis of colon casts.