A chemical-physical method for treatment of aniline containing waste w
ater was developed. At the chemical stage aniline is polymerized by Fe
nton's reagent. Thus insoluble polyaniline precipitates. The best reac
tion conditions are: pH-value of 2-3, stepwise dosing of 60 mL H2O2 (3
0%) and 12 mL saturated FeSO4-solution per litre waste water. The mola
r ratio Fe(II): H2O2 amounts to 0.3:10. The concentration of aniline i
s reduced by this chemical treatment from about 20 g/L to 30-40 mg/L.
By adsorption at activated charcoal the concentration of aniline can b
e reduced further to 0.2 mg/L. The resulting sludge can easily be dewa
tered in a chamber filter press.