Surface-modified LS have been used for the specific delivery of heavy
metal-based imaging agents. The liposome surface was modified with PEG
, AMmAb, Dext-SA, chelating agent DTPA-PE, and with NGPE-modified chel
ating polymer: DTPA-NPLL-NGPE. The hypothesis is suggested attempting
to explain the phenomenon of long circulation of PEG-coated LS from th
e point of view of statistical propel-ties of flexible polymer molecul
e in solution. Direct experiments using fluorescent labels were perfor
med to prove the hypothesis. The calculations performed on the basis o
f the hypothesis were designed to find the optimal concentration of PE
G on the LS surface, and suggested that it not only provides a protect
ive effect but also does not create steric hindrances for the surface-
immobilized mAb. As a result, long circulating targeted ILS have been
prepared. Intravenously administered In-111-labelled PEG-AMmAb-LS were
targeted to the area of experimental myocardial infarction in rabbits
under gamma-scintigraphic control. Infarct-to-normal ratios of In-111
radioactivity of about 20 were achieved. PEG-and Dext-modified liposo
mes with surface-incorporated Gd-labelled DTPA-PE or DTPA-NPLL-NGPE we
re used for the subcutaneous administration and subsequent NMR-imaging
of lymph nodes in rabbits. Two mechanisms of MR-signal enhancement we
re found for the surface-modified Gd-containing LS: the increase in si
gnal intensity due to the increase in water quantity in the vicinity o
f Gd atoms because of PEG-associated water; and better lymph node accu
mulation of Dext-LS via receptor-mediated endocytosis. Surface modific
ation of LS opens the possibilitiy for targeted delivery of heavy meta
l-based imaging agents.