The new species Penicillium kananaskense is described based on an isol
ate from soil in a Pinus contorta forest from Alberta, Canada. Colonie
s are characterized by their relatively rapid growth, velutinous textu
re, white to slightly pink conidial masses, growth at 5 degrees C, and
absence of growth at 37 degrees C. The conidiophores are monoverticil
late or have one metula, are up to 300 mu m tall, smooth walled or wit
h slightly roughened walls, vesiculate, and bear ampulliform phialides
, 8-11.5(-14.5) x 2.5-4 mu m, that produce disordered chains of ellips
oidal conidia, 3-5 x 2.5-4 mu m, with smooth or finely roughened walls
. The species is compared with previously described taxa and its subge
neric affinities are discussed. Preliminary data on the many secondary
metabolites produced by the ex-type culture are presented.