Ad. Defontaines et Jl. Viovy, GEL-ELECTROPHORESIS OF END-LABELED DNA .2. DYNAMICS AND DETRAPPING INPULSED FIELDS, Electrophoresis, 15(2), 1994, pp. 111-119
A theory for field-inversion gel electrophoresis of a flexible polyele
ctrolyte bearing an uncharged bulky label at one end is described, and
the evolution of the mobility with chain length, field strength, fric
tion of the label, and the duration of the forward and reverse pulses
is predicted. A new critical size, N-detrap, is introduced, and its va
lue calculated. It increases roughly linearly with the duration of the
reverse pulses. Chains smaller than N-detrap are detrapped by reverse
pulses, and may have a high mobility, whereas chains larger than N-de
trap are not trapped, and have a very small mobility. This leads to an
increase of the mobility (as compared with constant held) in a given
range of sizes, and to a strong selectivity around N (detrap). Dependi
ng on the parameters, numerous other effects, including a secondary mo
bility plateau and band inversion, may appear. The corresponding regim
es are predicted and discussed. All predictions are qualitatively cons
istent with available experimental data. We use them to suggest effici
ent conditions for the development of pulsed-field trapping electropho
resis, a possible tool for improved DNA sequencing. In particular, we
recommend using a ramping of pulse times, with a constant ratio of for
ward to reverse time in the range 3 to 5.