An investigation into the feeding habits of two demersal nototheniids,
Trematomus bernacchii and T. centronotus, showed that the most import
ant prey were polychaetes, molluscs and euphausiids for T bernacchii a
nd polychaetes and amphipods for T centronotus. Epifaunal (e.g. Barruk
ia cristata) and tube-dwelling polychaetes (Amphicteis cfr. midas and
Amythas membranifera) were common in the diet of both species. Bivalvi
a including Adamussium colbecki were found in the diet of T bernacchii
. Epifaunal gastropods (Trochidae) were an occasional prey for T centr
onotus. Amphipods (mainly Acanthonotozomatidae) and the euphausiid Eup
hausia frigida were the main crustacean food of T centronotus and T be
rnacchii respectively. Our data suggest a difference in the feeding be
haviour of the two nototheniid species, although both appear capable o
f feeding on common epibenthic invertebrates.