B. Nicolardot et al., CARBON AND NITROGEN CYCLING THROUGH SOIL MICROBIAL BIOMASS AT VARIOUSTEMPERATURES, Soil biology & biochemistry, 26(2), 1994, pp. 253-261
C and N cycling were examined in a soil incubated at 4, 12, 20 or 28-d
egrees-C for 140 days. Before incubation the soil was amended with (KN
O3)-N-15, and either glucose-C-14 or holocellulose-C-14. The kinetics
of tracer and non-tracer C and N from the biomass, mineralized-C and i
norganic-N were measured. C and N behaviours in soil were influenced b
y temperature, substrate and substrate-temperature interactions. Label
led-C mineralization rates after 140 days ranged from 41 to 58% for gl
ucose and from 34 to 65% for holocellulose. Maximal immobilization was
21.8-31.6 mg N kg-1 soil for holocellulose and 24.3-33.5 mg N kg-1 so
il for glucose. Re-mineralization began earlier with glucose and at hi
gher temperatures: 6-23% of immobilized-N were re-mineralized for gluc
ose and 0-19% for holocellulose. More labelled C and N were incorporat
ed into the microbial biomass from both carbon sources at lower temper
atures. The biomass turnover was highly influenced by temperature: 40-
46% of labelled C or N incorporated in the biomass remained in this co
mpartment at 20-28-degrees-C, while corresponding values at 4-12-degre
es-C were only 0-40%. Organic-C-14 mineralization and immobilization r
ate constants were influenced by temperature, the different trends dep
ending on the carbon source. Thus an overall temperature coefficient (
Q-10) could not be determined for these complex transformations. Varia
tions in the rate constant with temperature were described using polyn
omial regressions.