1. The purpose of this study was to determine whether ATP-sensitive K (K(ATP)+) channels are activated and contribute to the decrease in fo
rce during fatigue development in the sartorius muscle of the frog, Ra
na pipiens. Tetanic force (elicited by field stimulation), action pote
ntial and membrane conductance (using conventional microelectrodes), w
ere measured in the presence and absence of glibenclamide, a K(ATP)+ c
hannel antagonist. Experiments were performed in bicarbonate-buffered
solutions at pH 7.2. 2. In unfatigued muscle 100 mumol l-1 glibenclami
de had no effect on the resting potential, the overshoot, the half-dep
olarization time or the maximum rate of depolarization of action poten
tials, while the mean half-repolarization time increased by 19 +/- 4%
(+/- S.E.M.) and the maximum rate of repolarization decreased by 17 +/
- 5%. 3. Fatigue was elicited using 100 ms tetanic contractions every
1 s for 3 min. In the absence of glibenclamide the mean half-repolariz
ation time increased from 0.57 +/- 0.05 to 0.89 +/- 0.05 ms during fat
igue. The mean half-repolarization times after fatigue, when muscle fi
bres were exposed to 100 mumol l-1 glibenclamide either 60 min prior t
o fatigue or 60 s before the end of fatigue, were 1.16 +/- 0.08 and 1.
17 +/- 0.07 ms respectively. Application of 100 mumol l-1 glibenclamid
e after 5 min of recovery did not increase the half-repolarization tim
e, but decreased the rate of recovery compared to control values. 4. I
n unfatigued muscles, 100 mumol l-1 glibenclamide did not affect the t
etanic contraction. In the absence of glibenclamide, the mean tetanic
force after fatigue was 11.0 +/- 0.9% of prefatigue values. Applicatio
n of 100 mumol l-1 glibenclamide 60 min before fatigue increased the r
ate of fatigue development as the mean tetanic force was 4.8 +/- 0.8%
after 3 min of stimulation. The addition of 100 mumol l-1 glibenclamid
e 60 s before the end of fatigue had no effect on tetanic force during
this time compared to control. 5. In the absence of glibenclamide, mu
scles recovered 90.1 +/- 1.6% of their tetanic force after 100 min. Ad
dition of 100 mumol l-1 glibenclamide 60 min prior to fatigue signific
antly reduced the capacity of muscles to recover their tetanic force:
after 100 min of recovery tetanic force was only 47.3 +/- 9.4% of the
pre-fatigue value. Application of 100 mumol l-1 glibenclamide 60 s pri
or to the end of fatigue had a much smaller effect on the recovery as
79.4 +/- 6.2% of the tetanic force was recovered in 100 min. Addition
of glibenclamide after 5 min of recovery had no effect. 6. The results
from this study support the proposal that K(ATP)+ channels are activa
ted during fatigue and they contribute to the repolarization phase of
the action potential. Although no evidence was found that activation o
f K(ATP)+ channels during fatigue contributes to the force decrease du
ring fatigue development, the impairment of force recovery following f
atigue in the presence of glibenclamide supports the notion that K(ATP
)+ channels play an important protective role.