Over a five-year period (1.1.89-31.12.93), a duodenopancreatectomy (Wh
ipple's operation) was performed without hospital or 30-day death in 5
4 consecutive patients (22 women, 32 men; mean age 62 [27-82] years).
The postoperative morbidity was 39% (21 of 54 patients). The indicatio
ns for the operation were malignant tumour (n = 41), mainly ductal ade
nocarcinoma of the pancreas (n = 30), benign tumour (n = 5) or inflamm
atory head of the pancreas tumour in chronic pancreatitis (n = 6). A c
lassical Whipple's operation was performed in 36 patients, while the s
tomach-preserving variant was undertaken in 18. The main complications
were postoperative disorders of gastric emptying (n = 13), bleeding (
n = 7), abscess (n = 4), leakage at the pancreas anastomosis (n = 3) a
nd pancreatic fistula (n = 2). All complications were successfully ove
rcome by early use of interventional methods or relaparotomy. - The lo
w mortality rate of Whipple's operation (0-5% in selected centres) jus
tifies the use of this operation even in advanced malignancies.