Ladybirds (Coccinellidae) defend themselves against attack by vertebra
te predators by exuding a fluid from the femero-tibial joints. This fl
uid carries a noxious or toxic alkaloid. The amount of fluid produced
during a single attack can be very high (up to 20% of fresh body weigh
t), and the weight of the self-synthesized alkaloid can amount to seve
ral percent of the weight of the fluid. A study was carried out on the
se two defense characters and two other fitness characters (body weigh
t and growth rate) to demonstrate a cost to defense in the form of gen
etic trade-offs between characters. The two sexes were analyzed separa
tely, and a jackknife procedure was used to attach errors to the estim
ates of V-a and cov(a). All four characters were associated with high
levels of V-a, but the cov(a) values were mixed, some being negative a
nd others positive. Principal-component analysis indicated the operati
on of factors constraining the cov(a) values in males, and further pos
sible reasons for the appearance of so many positive values are explor
ed. A matrix analysis showed that the genetic variance/covariance matr
ices of the two sexes were significantly different from each other. Br
eeding values derived from sons plotted on breeding values from daught
ers had correlation coefficients significantly less than +1. This find
ing indicated that a substantial amount of sex-dependent gene expressi
on was occurring.