A study of knowledge and management of malaria was undertaken prospect
ively in 20 dispensaries, 20 drug stores, 120 patients attending dispe
nsaries and 120 customers at drug stores in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. T
his was a descriptive study where two different questionnaires were de
veloped and administered to the target groups in oral interview. All t
he respondents were aged 14 years and above. The results of the interv
iew showed that the knowledge of rural medical aides (RMA's) on signs
and symptoms of malaria and which drugs cure malaria was satisfactory.
However, only 65% of the RMA's could remember the correct dose of chl
oroquine for an adult. Although the knowledge of drug sellers on signs
and symptoms of malaria was adequate, 45% of them did not know the co
rrect dose of chloroquine. In view of the fact that only 30% of patien
ts and 20% of shoppers knew the correct dose of chloroquine for adults
, it appears that their management of malaria is inadequate. To improv
e the management of malaria at dispensary and drug store level, there
is a need to introduce treatment charts and/or guidelines and the Mini
stry of Health should promote health education to the public.