Jp. Courteau et al., SURVEY OF CONSTRUCTION WORKERS REPEATEDLY EXPOSED TO CHLORINE OVER A 3 TO 6 MONTH PERIOD IN A PULPMILL .1. EXPOSURE AND SYMPTOMATOLOGY, Occupational and environmental medicine, 51(4), 1994, pp. 219-224
Objective-The admission to hospital of three construction workers with
acute respiratory distress caused by inhalation of chlorine gas promp
ted the inspection of a building site located in a kraft pulp-mill. Th
e accidental emissions had taken place in the bleach plant and the con
struction workers assigned there were surveyed to uncover possible lar
ge scale health effects. Design and participants-A questionnaire was p
resented to 281 workers (participation rate = 97%); 257 workers report
ed an average of 24 exposure episodes to chlorine and derivatives over
a three to six month. period. The air monitoring data available from
the pulp-mill's industrial hygienist were not useful in linking specif
ic events reported by the workers to environmental conditions in the b
leach plant. Results-Over 60% of the workers described a characteristi
c flu like syndrome that lasted for an average of 11 days and was exac
erbated by new bouts of exposure. Irritation of the throat (78%) and e
yes (77%), cough (67%), and headache (63%) were the most often reporte
d symptoms. Shortness of breath was reported by 54% of the participant
s and was not associated with age, smoking state, or history of asthma
or chronic First aid self referral was with significantly greater rep
orting of most symptoms, including dyspnoea and cough. A significantly
greater proportion of workers in the dyspnoea group had gone at least
once for first aid care after a gassing incident (64% as opposed to 4
8%, p = 0.008). Throat irritation and cough persisted for mean interva
ls of eight and 11 days respectively. A flu like syndrome lasted for a
n average of 20 days. Seventy one subjects were considered to be at mo
derate to high risk of having persisting respiratory symptoms. Conclus
ion-Throat and eye irritation as well as cough and flu like symptoms a
re frequent occurrences after repeated accidental inhalation of chlori
ne. Subjects who consulted first aid care stations after a gassing inc
ident are more likely to have persisting dyspnoea.