Strand-specific riboprobes representative of either strand of the chic
ken anaemia virus (CAV) replicative form (RF) DNA indicated that only
one strand of the RF was transcribed to produce a major 2.0 kb transcr
ipt and that the encapsidated DNA strand was of negative sense. Primer
extension analysis located a single transcriptional start site at nuc
leotide position 360 of the CAV sequence. Amplification, cloning and s
equencing of the 3' end of the major transcript revealed the polyadeny
lation site at nucleotide position 21. Northern blot analysis using a
series of genomic probes indicated that the 2.0 kb transcript was devo
id of splicing and identified a non-transcribed region of the genome.
This nontranscribed region was shown to possess promoter activity, enh
ancing the expression of the human growth hormone reporter gene in a t
ransient gene expression assay. These observations suggest a simple st
rategy of genome expression involving a functional polycistronic messa