In the absence of whitecapping, other physical mechanisms may contribu
te to the generation of high-frequency ambient noise. It has been sugg
ested [Longuet-Higgins, in NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Sound Ge
neration Mechanisms at the Open Surface (NATO, Geneva, 1987)] that cap
illary waves, with surface profiles that are peaked downward in the tr
oughs and are relatively flat at the crests, can inject acoustically a
ctive bubbles into the ocean, and thus contribute to the ambient noise
background. It has been demonstrated in the laboratory that bubble in
jection can be generated at the trough of capillary-gravity, short-fet
ched waves by blowing air over water contained in a long, narrow tank.
Simultaneous in situ acoustic and high-speed video monitoring of the
capillary-gravity waves demonstrate that these waves can produce acous
tically active bubbles. The generation of capillary waves depends prin
cipally upon the surface tension, which can be changed by adding surfa
ce-active agents to the water. The bubble production rate per unit are
a of these capillary-gravity waves was measured, as well as the depend
ence of this rate on wind speed, laboratory wind fetch, and surface te
nsion. It was determined that an increase in water salinity and a redu
ction in surface tension increases the bubble Production rate. The spe
ctra of radiated frequencies ranges from 1 kHz to over 100 kHz with a
broadband peak located around 4 kHz. The measured spectral densities w
ere weakly related to wind speed. The wind-speed threshold value for b
ubble production was determined to be approximately 8.6 m/s (14.6 m/s
at 10-m level) in fresh water and salt water, which decreased to 8.1 m
/s (13.8 m/s at 10-m level) with a surface tension of 40.5 dyn/cm.