A church book containing vital information on Dariusleut Hutterite fam
ilies enabled us to trace the life course of individual women. We cond
ucted a retrospective cohort study on the women born in the Dariusleut
sect for the period 1901-1965, focusing on their marriage and reprodu
ctive histories. The subjects were grouped into 5-year birth cohorts f
rom 1901-1905 to 1961-1965. The marital age-specific fertility rate (M
ASFR) increased from the 1901-1905 cohort to the 1926-1930 cohort and
then began to decrease, particularly at the ages of 30-39 years. The i
nitial increase in MASFR was not reflected directly in the cohort mean
of the total number of children per woman because of a concurrent del
ay in age at marriage. Marriage delay, however, could not explain the
drastic decrease, which started in the 1931-35 cohort, in the total nu
mber of children per woman; the decrease in MASFR at the ages of 30 ye
ars and older was considered a major reason for the recent changes in
Hutterite fertility. The causes of the recent fertility decrease of Hu
tterites at higher ages remain to be investigated.