To evaluate the inotropic efficacy of phosphodiesterase inhibition in
hearts with and without ischemic injury, 27 sheep were evaluated sonom
icrometrically during incremental volume loading on right heart bypass
. Contractility was assessed with the preload recruitable stroke work
relationship. Active relaxation rate was estimated using the time cons
tant of isovolumic pressure decay (tau). For nonischemic assessment, g
roups 1 and 2 (n = 6 each) underwent 45 minutes of vented perfusion af
ter which milrinone was administered to group 1; group 2 served as non
ischemic controls. There was no detectable increase in preload recruit
able stroke work or decrement in tau after milrinone administration. G
roups 3 and 4 underwent 15 minutes of 37 degrees C ischemia (aortic cr
ossclamping) followed by 30 minutes of vented reperfusion. Milrinone w
as then administered to group 3 (n = 7); group 4 (n = 8) served as isc
hemically injured controls. Inotropic and lusitropic effects were pres
ent (group 3 preload recruitable stroke work: 35.4 +/- 5.8 mJ.beat(-1)
.100 g(-1).mL(-1) before milrinone to 49.5 +/- 4.4 mJ.beat(-1).100 g(-
1).mL(-1) after milrinone [p < 0.05]; group 3 tau: 51.8 +/- 5.5 ms bef
ore milrinone to 32.2 +/- 2.5 ms after milrinone [p < 0.02]). Although
milrinone restored contractility and increased the rate of active rel
axation in the postischemic hearts, there was no detectable inotropic
effect in nonischemic hearts. In this model, milrinone augments contra
ctility and relaxation in postischemic myocardium but offers little in
otropic benefit in nonischemically injured hearts.