Twenty-three taxa sampled in Bolivia provinces of Beni and Santa Cruz
in 1985 have been examined: one of Euglena, two of Phacus, two of Stro
mbomonas and eighteen of Trachelomonas. All of them have been studied
with the help of scanning electron microscope. Seventy-eight micrograp
hs and ten plates show whole cells and details of their cuticle. Five
new varieties, Trachelomonas acanthostoma var. bacterifera, Tr. hispid
a var. rugosa, Tr. raciborskii var. boliviense, Tr. raciborskii var. s
implex, Tr. robusta var. multispina, and two new formae, Tr. kelloggii
var. kelloggii fo. crenulata and Tr. robusta var. robusta fo. undulat
ocollis, are described. One new combination is proposed with Euglena b