The diets of Polycelis nigra, P. tenuis, Dugesia polychroa, Dendrocoel
um lacteum, Glossiphonia complanata, Helobdella stagnalis and Erpobdel
la octoculata in an English lake were examined, using a serological te
chnique, and compared between 1981-82 and 1989-90. Leech, triclad and
prey abundances were also recorded. Between the two studies, snail num
bers crashed whereas the abundances of Asellus and Gammarus increased.
Dugesia and Glossiphonia numbers decreased substantially, whilst Poly
celis tenuis and Helobdella abundances increased. In the second study,
the snail component in the diet was greatly reduced resulting in a br
oader food niche, particularly for Dugesia and Glossiphonia, and great
er food overlap between the predators with the exception of Dendrocoel
um and Erpobdella which do not eat molluscs. It is postulated that the
reduced size of the snail refuge, and consequent increase in severity
of interspecific competition with other predators, particularly Polyc
elis and Helobdella, led to the observed decrease in abundances of Dug
esia and Glossiphonia. The decline in the last two genera, perhaps cou
pled with increased crustacean abundance, could have contributed to th
e numerical increase of the competitively superior Polycelis tenuis an
d Helobdella.