We describe and sustain the decisions made during the conceptualizatio
n of a cooperative multimedia editing tool, which enables co-authors t
o cooperatively produce multimedia documents' The main goal is to enha
nce inter-user communication. Co-authors can communicate their ideas,
drafts, guidelines and constraints to other co-authors using a mixture
of communication patterns, media and document organization. They keep
exchanging information (remotely or face-to-face), improving passages
and modifying notes until a final document is achieved. Our efforts w
ere on integrating concepts from collaboration support, multimedia doc
ument contents and multimedia communication rather than on making a sp
ecialized system for any of them. In an integrated manner, the co-auth
ors can edit text, raster images and 2D-object-oriented graphics infor
mation. Moreover, one can communicate via a text, voice or video chann
el (possibly more than one simultaneously).