B. Berglund et al., ANNOYANCE PERCEPTION OF SOUND AND INFORMATION EXTRACTION, The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 95(3), 1994, pp. 1501-1509
The judgment of annoyance of distorted speech differs radically for di
fferent language groups. The results show that those who do comprehend
a spoken language, base their annoyance judgments on the informationa
l content extracted while those who do not base it on the perceptual c
haracteristics of meaningless sound (particularly loudness). A series
of distorted German speech sounds were presented to two subject groups
consisting of native Swedish and English speakers, and the results we
re compared with earlier results from groups of native German and Poli
sh subjects. The 50 stimuli were generated from the very same speech s
ignal distorted in two principle ways, either with repeated silent gap
s or superimposed noise impulses. The perceived annoyance of the disto
rted speech was judged both by category scaling for all subject groups
, and as a control for ''ceiling'' effects, also by magnitude estimati
on for the Swedish and the English subjects. There is a pronounced ten
dency for German subjects to judge the German speech distorted with si
lent gaps as more annoying than that distorted with superimposed noise
impulses. In contrast, the Swedish, English, and Polish subjects judg
ed the two German-speech distortions in reversed order with regard to
annoyance. Thus for noncomprehending listeners, noise-distorted speech
is more annoying but for comprehending listeners it is speech distort
ed by gaps. This means that impaired communication intrusiveness rathe
r than loudness predominates in annoyance judgments from comprehending