Comparing echocardiographic parameters with endomyocardial biopsy find
ings in 6 patients with acute crises of mild, moderate, and severe gra
ft rejections and in 2 patients with persistent acute rejection crisis
has shown that there are decreases in end-diastolic size and left ven
tricular end-diastolic ejection fraction volume, an increase in left v
entricular myocardial mass, and thickening of the left ventricular pos
terior wall and ventricular septum, as evidenced by ultrasonic study.
Such changes are detected in moderate and severe acute crises of graft
rejection. Normalization of ultrasonic parameters of the grafted hear
t occurs 2-3 weeks after abolition of rejection crisis. A positive dyn
amics of echocardiographic parameters in persistent acute rejection cr
ises suggests a good prognosis. Echocardiographic monitoring data obta
ined in the outpatient setting may serve an indication for unplanned e
ndomyocardial biopsy.