Objective: Both locus of control and alexithymia have been considered
personality factors fostering health concerns and behaviors. This stud
y investigates the relationship between the health locus of control an
d alexithymia. Method: Seventy-eight psychiatric outpatients were admi
nistered the Wallston Health Locus of Control Scale (HLC), the Toronto
Alexithymia Scale (IILC), and the Five Factor Inventory, which measur
es neuroticism, extraversion, openness, agreeableness, and conscientio
usness. Depressive and anxious affect was also measured. Regression mo
dels were developed to assess the influence of the above variables upo
n alexithymia. Results: Although there was a significant bivariant cor
relation between an external locus of control and increased alexithymi
a, regression models found that HLC did not significantly predict TAS.
Neuroticism, however, provided the most significant contribution to p
redict increased alexithymia. Conclusion: Neuroticism may link IILC an
d TAS due to the face validity of each construct. A sense of vulnerabi
lity is stated in each measure. This may foster somatic preoccupation.
The data suggest HLC and TAS to be separate phenomena and further sup
port the validity of alexithymia as a unique personality trait.