Jl. Baker et Dr. Timmons, FERTILIZER MANAGEMENT EFFECTS ON LEACHING OF LABELED NITROGEN FOR NO-TILL CORN IN-FIELD LYSIMETERS, Journal of environmental quality, 23(2), 1994, pp. 305-310
The fate of labeled N fertilizer applied to no-till corn (Zea mays L.)
grown in nonweighing lysimeters was determined for 3 yr after applica
tion to evaluate NO3-N leaching losses from point-injection and conven
tional N management systems. In 1984, N-15-enriched double-labeled ure
a-ammonium nitrate solution (UAN) at 200 kg N ha(-1) was either surfac
e-banded or knifed-in at the V1 growth state. It was also point-inject
ed at either 200 or 125 kg N ha(-1) in split applications at the V1, V
5, and V9 growth stages. Labeled N as NO3-N was detected in drainage f
rom the bottom of the lysimeters (1.37 m deep) with the first signific
ant rain (54 mm) 7 d after application for all treatments. Greatest la
beled NO3-N concentrations, however, occurred with drainage in the fal
l after harvest and in the spring of 1985, the year after application.
In 1985 when unlabeled N was applied using the same four systems, ave
rage labeled NO3-N concentrations and annual losses were the greatest
and ranged from 1.0 to 5.1 mg L(-1) and from 1.7 to 6.8 kg ha(-1), res
pectively; the ratio of labeled NO3-N to total NO3-N ranged from 0.08
to 0.25. Labeled NO3-N concentrations, losses, and ratios were smalles
t for the 125 kg ha(-1) point injected-split system for each of 3 yr.
For all systems, about one-fourth of the applied labeled N remained in
the soil profile at the end of the study. Total recovery (77%) and re
covery in grain (48% in 1984) were also greatest for the 125 kg ha(-1)
point-injected system and least for the surface-banded system (64 and
30%, respectively). Unrecovered N was believed lost through denitrifi
cation and ammonia volatilization from soil or aboveground vegetation.