The feasibility and safety of outpatient coronary angiography were stu
died in 2,106 patients. Patients were discharged with a pressure dress
ing 2 h after the angiographic study. No complications occurred in 99.
53% of all patients. Severe complications were seen in 10 patients (0.
47%). 9 patients (0.43%) had to be admitted to hospital, either for im
mediate treatment (4 patients) or due to complications (5 patients). O
ur results revealed a very low complication rate for outpatient corona
ry angiography. The number and severity of complications following cor
onary angiography did not differ significantly between inpatients and
outpatients. Therefore, outpatient coronary angiography can be conside
red as a safe and feasible diagnostic method which may help cut health
care costs.