The craniovertebral junction (CVJ) comprises the occiput, atlas, and a
xis and is visible in most: magnetic resonance (MR) imaging studies of
the brain. Craniometric measurements used in radiologic assessment of
CVJ anomalies include the Chamberlain line, Wackenheim clivus baselin
e, Welcher basal angle, and atlantooccipital joint axis angle. Most an
omalies of the occiput are associated with decreased skull base height
and basilar invagination, the latter being a primary developmental an
omaly in which the vertebral column is abnormally high and prolapsed i
nto the skull base. Occiput anomalies include condylus tertius, condyl
ar hypoplasia, basiocciput hypoplasia, and atlantooccipital assimilati
on. Most atlas anomalies produce no abnormal CVJ relationships and are
not associated with basilar invagination. These anomalies include apl
asias, hypoplasias, and clefts of the atlas arches and ''split atlas''
(ie, posterior arch rachischisis associated with anterior arch rachis
chisis). Except for fusion anomalies, abnormalities of the axis are pr
imarily confined to the odontoid process and are not associated with b
asilar invagination. These anomalies include persistent ossiculum term
inale, odontoid aplasia, and os odontoideum. With the widespread avail
ability of MP imaging, which is well suited for evaluating the CVJ bec
ause of its direct sagittal imaging capabilities, renewed understandin
g of CVJ anatomy and anomalies is important for all radiologists.