The Sr-87/Sr-86 ratio in fish teeth separated from mid-Cretaceous marl
and black shale from the northeastern Apennines and Venetian Alps (It
aly) define three periods of low Sr-87/Sr-86 ratio at 121 to 124 milli
on years ago (Ma), 110 to 115 Ma, and 89 to 91 Ma. The Sr-87/Sr-86 exc
ursions correspond to oceanic anoxic events represented by the Livello
Selli, Livello 113, Livello Urbino, and Livello Bonarelli black shale
marker beds and probably reflect an increase in the low-Sr-87/Sr-86 h
ydrothermal strontium flux associated with the emplacement of the Onto
ng-Java and Kerguelen plateaus (120 to 110 Ma) and the Caribbean Plate
au (89 to 91 Ma). The modeled flux is consistent with the volumes and
eruption rates of the oceanic plateaus but is far smaller than expecte
d from the proposed Cretaceous crustal production rates of 50 to 100 p
ercent greater than modern.