Amyloid deposits that characteristically form in the pancreatic islets
of patients with non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM) and
in insulinomas are both derived from islet amyloid polypeptide (IAPP).
Evidence from previous studies has suggested that deposition of IAPP-
derived amyloid is related to inherent amyloidogenic sequences present
within normal human IAPP, together with an increased production and l
ocal concentration of IAPP. However, whether the aggregation of IAPP t
o form amyloid fibrils is primarily an intra- or extracellular event i
s not clear. To address this question, we studied 20 human insulinomas
by light end electron microscopy. By light microscopy, amyloid deposi
ts were demonstrated in 13 of 20 (65%) human insulinomas. Furthermore,
evaluation of Congo red-stained tumor sections showed small, globular
or irregular, congophilic amyloid deposits within the cytoplasm of ma
ny tumor cells in 10 of 13 (77%) amyloid-containing insulinomas. Dense
, punctate areas of IAPP immunoreactivity within tumor cells correspon
ded with the congophilic intracellular deposits. Ubiquitin immunoreact
ivity also was observed as punctate intracellular labeling and within
large extracellular amyloid deposits. Among the 10 insulinomas availab
le for electron microscopic evaluation, pathological IAPP-immunoreacti
ve (immunogold) deposits were found in 3 of 5 insulinomas in which amy
loid was demonstrated by light microscopy and in none of 5 tumors foun
d negative for amyloid by light microscopy. Morphology of IAPP-immunor
eactive deposits varied from those with the classical distinct 7- to 1
0-nm diameter nonbranching fibrils to those with distinct but faint fi
brillarity to those without discernable fibrils. In each of the 3 tumo
rs with ultrastructurally demonstrable amyloid deposits, intracellular
aggregates of IAPP-immunoreactive amyloid fibrils were observed eithe
r free in the cytoplasmic matrix or in membrane-bound structures. Intr
acellular IAPP-immunoreactive deposits were up to 10 mu m in the great
est dimension. Free intracellular aggregates of amyloid fibrils someti
mes contained degenerating secretory vesicles and fragments of membran
ous organelles. These observations suggest that IAPP-derived amyloid d
eposits are initially formed intracellularly and are subsequently rele
ased to the extracellular space by exocytosis of the membrane-bound st
ructures and/or after necrosis of the tumor cells. Our observations ra
ise the possibility that IAPP-derived islet amyloid deposits (characte
ristically present in NIDDM patients) also may be initially formed wit
hin the cytoplasm of beta-cells, thus leading to beta-cell necrosis an
d a reduction of beta-cell mass as seen in NIDDM.