Two patient with familial cavernous angiomatosis presenting with long
lasting variable epilepsy with a poor therapeutic response and variabl
e neurologic impairments are presented here. One of the numerous caver
nous angiomas was resected in one case. This last patient remains asym
ptomatic. Familial cerebral cavernous angiomas are often numerous and
disseminated in the brain, therefore clinical manifestations are very
polymorphous. Moreover the course of these lesions is variable. Theref
ore MRI should be performed to every patient presenting with poorly un
derstood neurological symptoms, focal or generalized epileptic seizure
s or absence in order to look for potentially imputable brain lesions.
A reliable genetic marker might be helpful for diagnosis of this dise
ase with a variable penetrance and autosomal dominant inheritance. The
n a neurosurgical treatment should be carefully discussed if lesions a
re accessible and medications are poorly efficient with recurrent neur
ologic impairments or epilepsy.