This project had two goals: to explain variation in residential water
consumption and to evaluate methods of encouraging residents to reduce
their consumption, Survey data for both studies were collected by mad
questionnaire in early 1991, and water consumption figures were recor
ded between June and August of that year. In Study 1 (n = 264) a three
-variable regression model (number of residents, clotheswashing machin
e loads, and property value) accounted for 60% of the variance. Attitu
des, habits and values were very poor predictors of water consumption.
In Study 2 (n = 226) households were divided into three treatment gro
ups: feedback only, feedback and dissonance, and a control group. Repe
ated-measures ANOVA revealed that high consumers receiving dissonance
and feedback or feedback alone had significantly reduced their water c
onsumption in the treatment period. The implications of these findings
are discussed.