Analysis of 1657 lost-time logging accidents in the New Zealand loggin
g industry (1985-1991) indicates that 17.5% were as a result of slips,
trips and falls and a total of 2870 days were lost. Most (56%) of the
se slipping, tripping and falling accidents occurred in the felling an
d delimbing phase of the logging operation, where 37% of the workforce
are employed. In an attempt to reduce the number of slipping injuries
to loggers employed in felling and delimbing, a study of the effectiv
eness of spike-soled (caulk) boots was undertaken. Four loggers were i
ntensively observed at work, by continuous time-study methods, while w
earing their conventional rubber-soled boots and then spike-soled boot
s. The number of slips, work methods used, physiological workload and
productivity were compared for loggers wearing the two footwear types.
Results indicated that spike-soled boots were associated with a signi
ficant reduction in the frequency of slips and had no adverse effect o
n work methods, physiological workload or productivity. Spike-soled bo
ots are now being promoted for use by loggers in New Zealand as a simp
le method to reduce slipping, tripping and falling accidents.