The response of the ocean to fluctuating atmospheric pressure loads is
reviewed in theory and in observations. Major theoretical issues lie
primarily with Oceanic boundary reflectivity and with rates of dissipa
tion, generally. Analytical solutions for a stratified ocean show that
a static (''inverted barometer'') response is anticipated at all freq
uencies and wavenumbers not coincident with certain dispersion curves.
Nonstatic behavior of two types is predicted: zero motion of the sea
surface and a resonant response. Two types of resonance emerge. The fi
rst type corresponds to barotropic modes which are long gravity waves
or Rossby waves at high and low frequencies, respectively. The second
type excites internal modes, either gravity waves or Rossby waves depe
nding on frequency, but modified from a conventional resonant response
by the immediate juxtaposition in frequency/wavenumber space of the r
igid-lid modes. The extent to which these actual resonances are genera
ted is obscure owing to the same uncertainties about oceanic dissipati
on and scattering which affect ail other forced oceanic motions, espec
ially including the tides and other barotropic motions. Zero sea surfa
ce motion is predicted at frequencies and wavenumbers corresponding to
''rigid-lid'' modes. Observations support the wide applicability of t
he static response except in the tropics and in the western boundary c
urrent extension regions; there, the signal-to-noise ratios may be ina
dequate. The only other known clear nonstatic response occurs near 5 d
ays in the pacific and South Atlantic Oceans, indicative of a low-Q re
sonance in the former area and a forced nonresonant response in the la
tter, but there are remaining problems with these interpretations.