An improved method for the measurement of urinary LTE(4) is described,
based on the combined use of solid phase extraction (SPE)-HPLC-enzyme
-immunoassay (EIA). This allows the use of homologous radioactive trac
er in easily measurable amount for HPLC retention time evaluation and
recovery estimation. Recovery linearly correlated with the total amoun
t of LTE(4) present in the extracted sample, indicating the existence
of a carrier effect. Identification of immunoreactivity in HPLC fracti
ons as LTE(4) was based on parallel dilution assay and confirmed by th
e observable isotopic separation between tritium labeled LTE(4) and im
munoreactive LTE(4). Critical selection of urine sample size, on the b
asis of creatinine content, together with efficient purification by SP
E, resulted in total absence of aspecific immunoreactivity in fraction
s surrounding those associated with LTE(4). Urinary LTE(4) was measure
d in normal subjects and in cirrhotic patients, where an increased LTE
(4) excretion has been reported. The method described fulfils the crit
eria of specificity, sensitivity and accuracy necessary for a potentia
l successful use in the study of sulfido-peptide leukotrienes formatio
n in normal and pathological conditions.