A cylindrical waveguide loaded with a magnetized plasma supports a sho
rt wavelength whistler mode. In the presence of a relativistic electro
n beam the whistler mode couples to a negative energy beam mode and a
high-frequency electromagnetic mode giving coherent radiation. A nonlo
cal theory of the process reveals that larger beam cross section is pr
eferable for better coupling. The phase matching conditions give the f
requency of operation as omega1 = (ck0z/eta0)[(eta0-eta)/(eta-eta1)] w
here omega1 is the frequency of the free electron laser radiation, k0z
is the wave number of the pump wave, c is the velocity of light in fr
ee space, and eta(j)=ck(j)/omega(j), eta(j) = eta0, eta1, eta correspo
nd to the pump, radiation signal, and the beam mode, respectively. The
frequency of radiation is maximum when it propagates in the transvers
e magnetic TM01 mode. As the frequency of the whistler approaches elec
tron cyclotron frequency, the frequency of radiation is enhanced while
the growth time also increases. The growth time scales as mega0-k0zup