Rfa. Jargeliuspettersson et al., NITROGEN UPTAKE BY AUSTENITIC STAINLESS-STEELS ON ANNEALING IN N-2-H-2 ATMOSPHERES, Materials science and technology, 9(12), 1993, pp. 1123-1132
Laboratory simulation of bright annealing of types 301 and 304L stainl
ess steel has been performed in N2-H-2 atmospheres. Nitrogen profiles
have been quantified by glow discharge optical emission spectroscopy a
nd electron microprobe analysis, whereas transmission electron microsc
opy has been utilised to characterise the surface phase status after a
nnealing. Systematic variation in the water content of the annealing a
tmosphere showed that at low water vapour levels, Cr2N precipitates co
uld coexist with a surface film of silicon oxide or be inhibited by th
e presence of a metal aluminium silicate, whereas at higher water vapo
ur levels, nitride precipitation was completely suppressed by the form
ation of a Cr-Mn spinel type oxide. The results are discussed in therm
odynamic terms, and kinetic limitations caused by the development of a
n oxidised surface are considered in some detail. It was found that, i
n addition to the more obvious variables of alloy content and nitrogen
activity, surface reactions and cooling rate are critical parameters
controlling the surface nitrogen composition.