In the past few years there has been a resurgence of the debate on het
erosexualiy among British feminists, raising once more the question of
how heterosexual feminists reconcile their feminist politics with the
ir sexual practive. This article was written in response to these deba
tes; as an attempt to develop a critical perspective on heterosexualit
y which avoids casting heterosexual feminists as either victims or col
laborators. It takes as its starting point the materialist feminist pe
rspective on gender developed by French theorists such as Christine De
lphy, arguing that this standpoint provides a strong foundation for an
alysing the institution, identity, experience and practice of heterose
xuality. From this perspective gender and sexual categories as social
constructs are products of material, hierarchical social relations. He
terosexuality should be analysed as a patriarchal institution, but we
should avoid conflating the institution with practice and experience o
f heterosexuality and should not view sexuality as the sole site of wo
men's subordination.