Stable genetic transformation of Arabidopsis thaliana was achieved by
simple in planta inoculation of Agrobacterium tumefaciens strain LBA44
04 harboring a binary vector pBI121. The transformation procedure, whi
ch we call in planta transformation, involves severing of apical shoot
s at their bases, inoculation with Agrobacterium at the severed sites,
and in planta generation of shoots from the severed sites. On average
, 5.5% of the newly formed shoots produced transformed progenies. Thes
e progenies (T-2 generation) contained T-DNA in the genome as examined
by assaying the T-DNA encoded beta-glucuronidase and kanamycin resist
ance and by genomic Southern blot analysis, the copy number of the T-D
NAs in the Arabidopsis genome being single (33%) or multiple. The gene
tic behavior of the transformants examined at the T-3 and T-4 generati
ons or with the F-2 progenies of the outcrosses between transformants
and wild-type plants showed that most of the inserted T-DNA are inheri
ted in a Mendelian fashion. This procedure provides a new approach for
simple and efficient transformation of A. thaliana, obviating the nee
d for plant regeneration from tissue explants in vitro.