Among the various voltage-sensitive Ca2+ channels present in PC12 cell
s are the dihydropyridine (DHP)-sensitive L-channel, the omega-conotox
in (omega-CgTx)-sensitive N-channel, and an atypical omega-CgTx/DHP-in
sensitive Ca2+ channel. Depolarization-evoked Ca2+ entry and H-3dopa
mine release is mediated by L-type Ca2+ channels determined by the use
of Ca2+ channel antagonists, and a single protein of 250 kDa is recog
nized by L-type-specitic antibodies. Screening of a PC12 cDNA library
revealed two types of Ca2+ channels which were identified by partial s
equencing. A pc12-L clone displayed virtually identical sequence homol
ogy to the cardiac L-type channel. The identical sequence homology of
the single alternative splicing region confirmed clone pc12-L as the r
bC-I transcript, a cardiac-neuronal alpha 1 subunit expressed in rat b
rain. Clone pc12-N displayed identical sequence homology to rbB-I, a n
euronal al subunit of the N-type Ca2+ channel expressed in rat brain;
Northern blot analysis identified RNA of a size similar to that previo
usly described for rat brain.