A representative population sample was studied to elucidate relationsh
ips of arterial pressure (AR) with muscular performance (MP) and arter
ial hypertension risk factors. Power working capacity (PWCx) was measu
red by means of exercise tolerance test at rest, under physical loadin
g and after the exercise. The findings were processed using a multivar
iate step-by-step regression analysis which established independent re
lations between exercise and postexercise MP and arterial hypertension
. In normal and hypertensive males a rise in systolic, pressure (SP) a
fter the initial exercise (load 1) was dependent on PWC1 after more in
tensive exercise (load 2) on relations of MP with heart rate, SP and d
iastolic pressure (DP). In hypertensive males the SP elevation depende
d also on the age, B. W. index and heart rate. In normal AP males a DP
rise depended on PWC2 and MP, the increment being limited by relation
ships between MP, DP, heart rate and SP. In hypertensive males the inf
luence of PWC1 is defined through a SP rise after load 1: In normal AP
and hypertensive females PWC1 is decisive for a SP rise. In normal AP
females growth of DP after load 2 was dependent on PWC2 in relation t
o heart rate growth after load 2, while in hypertensive females PWC1 r
esulted in DP elevation after load 1. On comparison of the groups with
normal and high AP the degree of AP increment under exercise depended
on the relations of MP with heart rate, SP and DP.