The occurrence of 2:1 phyllosilicates in Andisols is variously ascribe
d to in situ pedogenic origin, aeolian addition, or the presence of hy
drothermally altered rock fragments. We studied the origin of 2:1 phyl
losilicates that occur in Holocene Hapludands on andesitic, sandy beac
h ridges in Costa Rica by micromorphological, mineralogical, and submi
croscopical techniques. The 2:1 phyllosilicates also occur as pseudomo
rphs after primary minerals in fresh rock of the inland volcanoes, fro
m which the parent material of the beach ridges was mainly derived. Hy
drothermal processes are most likely responsible for the formation of
such pseudomorphs. Rock weathering produces sand-sized rock fragments
with clay pseudomorphs and also liberates individual pseudomorphs. Sub
sequent erosion and alluvial transport affect their shape, but not the
ir internal fabric. In the beach ridges, clay pseudomorphs appear as i
ndividual, sand-sized clay bodies, and inside sand-sized andesitic roc
k fragments. Submicroscopical analyses of these individual clay bodies
and andesitic rock fragments with clay pseudomorphs indicate a predom
inance of 2:1 phyllosilicates. This implies that they are inherited fr
om the parent material and are not due to postdepositional soil format
ion in the beach ridges. Weathering and biological activity affect the
clay bodies and rock fragments with clay pseudomorphs, leading to the
formation of clay-sized particles consisting of 2:1 phyllosilicates.
Toward the soil surface, these particles are incorporated into the all
ophanic groundmass resulting from actual soil formation. The geographi
cally extensive occurrence of 2:1 phyllosilicates in Andisols suggests
that the genetic processes described here may have more than regional